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Client Testimonials

Based on 95 reviews
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sun genesissun genesis
07:56 03 May 22
Your product and your support team are excellent. It helps a lot, I appreciate it.
John ElliottJohn Elliott
11:53 20 Apr 22
As always, the support from TSPlus has been great. Very helpful and patient. Quick to get back to any questions that I had. Problem resolved successfully.
Softech DocumentsSoftech Documents
10:39 12 Apr 22
Thank you very much for your good and on time support.Best regards :)
Salem BahumaidSalem Bahumaid
11:24 30 Mar 22
We have been TSplus partner for over 15 years. We use TSplus to connect our customers' branches to their head office. TSplus support is excellent and the price for the product and service are much cheaper than the competition. Will recommend them for connectivity issues.
Arjon RiveraArjon Rivera
13:33 16 Mar 22
Kudos to TSPlus Support for their awesome customer support service! My issue was handled by Marcus - helped me all the way till the issue was fully resolved! Professionalism and customer satisfaction at its finest! Thank you TSPlus - I wish all tech companies would follow your lead! Definitely recommend people who want remote software to consider purchasing from this company!!